Thursday, July 22, 2010

The willpower to say NO

I always feel like I have a mental fight going on in my head everyday.  I look at what is on my plate (or someone else's plate for that matter) and think should I put it in my mouth.  Yes or No?  Then I try to justify why I should eat it and I'll eat less at my next meal or plan to walk it off.  Why can't I just say no?  Why?  I know what I need to do but sometimes I just don't do it.  Wished my No's would always win against my Yes.

Sunday, July 4, 2010


Totally kicked my own ass this weekend - Saturday and Sunday - I did Teapot "Hill" hike up at Cultus Lake. 5km round trip and the elevation change is over 250 metres :) 10k in two days...nice! We had the first carrot from the garden today - Raegan got the honour, but she shared of course! Now I'm sitting here enjoying a G&T, even better.

Hope you are enjoying a FAB July 4th! Heard from Alfred that you went to your Dad's place. Hope the fireworks are AWESOME!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Another Farm Fresh Creation

Cut up and washed cucumbers drizzled with lemon juice and sprinkled with Mexican chile seasoning.

My Farm Fresh Creations

Sorry for the poor picture quality but here is a salad I made for dinner last night. Lettuce, carrots, cucumbers and tomatoes.

Farm Fresh to Me

One of my friends on FB posted a link to a great website and I decided to take a peek to see all that she was raving about.

Locally grown, organic fruits and veggies delivered right to your door step. Couldn't get any easier right? Plus the price wasn't bad at all either.

My mission. To cook as many veggies as possible. To have the kids eat fruit every day. Part of my mission in getting healthy is to make sure all of us eat healthy.

I will post some pics of some of the things I made with my farm fresh veggies/fruit for me.

Monday, June 28, 2010


Still stuck at 12lbs. The scale hasn't moved in weeks. I'm tired of being stuck. I need some sort of bootcamp or a chef or a personal trainer to kick my ass. Maybe counting calories will be the next step. UGH...I'm just so fed up with being stuck.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Tell me walking is fun

After this great weekend of eating food that is incredibly bad for me, I have decided that for the next four days I must walk. I must walk after work. No excuses anymore. Thanks to Summer, the sun doesn't go away for a while so I think I am out of excuses. Alfred is home now so I can walk while he watches the kids. (That was another excuse btw, my husband not being home.) So I'm out of excuses. Sweat must become my best friend.

My newest goal. 10 more pounds before Sherri comes to LA.